Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Salesforce data center locations

 In this blog, we want to discuss about Salesforce data center locations. If you are a Salesforce user, then you should know that you are given instances to host your organization data. These instances are hosted n various locations in data centers that Salesforce own. For some instances, it uses Amazon's AWS data centers as well. It uses pair of data centers located nearby in same region so that user's data can be mirrored and if any error or service interruption occurs, they can easily switch the traffic to mirrored data center instance. This helps to prevent any discontinuity in service due to any kind of failure in one data center. 


If you want to know the locations that host Salesforce data centers, then these are the countries:

  • Japan
  • Germany
  • France
  • UK
  • USA
  • AWS: Australia, Canada, USA

Kobe and Tokyo are the two cities that host Salesforce data center in Japan. Frankfurt, Paris and London are other cities from Europe that host Salesforce data centers. Those three cities belong to Germany, France and UK respectively.  London itself host two data centers in North and South. USA, as expected, host the most number of data centers belonging to Salesforce. Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix and Washington DC are the cities in USA that host these cloud infrastructure. AWS server in Australia lies in Sydney. But I am not sure about AWS cloud location in Canada or USA. 

Hope you liked this blog on data center locations of Salesforce. In the future, we will try to come up with  more useful information on Salesforce and its data centers. Till then, stay tuned.

What is Salesforce

I want to tell something about Salesforce today so that you can know about this company. Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) software which helps to manage your customer digitally. In today's world when both customer relation and data is important, it is not possible to work manually. Therefore, IT solutions such as CRM is required to help with managing it all. 


What can you do with Salesforce

There are lot of things that you can do with Salesforce software. Please note that salesforce is not a kind of software that you install in your computer. It is something available in cloud. You need internet to connect to it. Your organization can handle all your customer data and information through this online platform. You don't need to have your own physical space. Best thing is, you can buy the space as much as you need. And in the future, if you need more, you can easily scale it without having to carry the baggage of unused space. This salesforce software helps you with marketing, analytics, sales, service, etc. 

For more details on Salesforce, its services and data centers, please do follow our blog. We will try to come up with more information in future regarding Salesforce, which is the most popular customer related software available in the cloud.

Salesforce data center locations

 In this blog, we want to discuss about Salesforce data center locations . If you are a Salesforce user, then you should know that you are g...